December 10, 2010

British Museum 2

Collecting things, Collecting people

African Gallery

After the lecture by Dr. Clair Rose, we visited British Museum to see African Artifacts which are related to "collecting things, collecting people."

Europeans often collected African artifacts during Colonial Wars. They invaded African countries such as Benin (in modern Nigeria), a kingdom with natural resources, in order to obtain raw materials such as ivory, bronze, and gold...etc.

Benin Plaque: the oba with Europeans

This Benin Plaque originally from Nigeria was taken by the British in 1897 during during the British Punitive Expedition.  

Tree of Life 
The Tree of Life was made by four Mozambican artists: Cristovao Canhavato (Kester), Hilario Nhatugueja, Fiel dos Santos and Adelino Serafim Maté.
Since Mozambique's civil war, a great number of weapons were still buried in the bush. This project is made to encourage people to trade these weapons with ploughs and bicycles - getting rid of threat of these weapons.
As the weapons were deactivated, the artists in Maputo created a sculpture out of them.

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